One must nourish themselves with great food, even while on vacation. Great fresh food is a must for both you and your pet. Think of the color gold or yellow as you scan menus for great healthy foods. For animals, feed them from a yellow bowl if possible and put the intent of great health in their is the color of health and balance in Feng Shui! Fur Shui sure knows how to enjoy a great venue and menu...this one is in South Beach, Miami. (And, it likes to be seen in all the best places too.)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Fur Shui vacationed in Miami this past summer and finally received the photos! Relaxing in Bal Harbor, Miami. The Water element this year of the Water Dragon seems to "call" the book. Water is the element of career and life path, flowing into new places, finding movement all around, cleansing and supporting the ebb and flow of one's life and career path. Fur Shui is now undergoing its own flowing changes, looking forward to being reprinted to another format early this next year of 2013! Enjoy being by the water when you can to be refreshed, rejuvenated, and reminded that one's life path, career, direction changes and moves in a fluid manner. AND, keep a good fresh supply of water in a deep bowl at the front door or entrance to your home to refresh your fur folk so they can also support you (and themselves!) with all the changes that come along or you need in your life path!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Fur Shui was at Sony Studios...formerly MGM. Traveled under the new Rainbow sculpture, did not see any Munchkins or Wizard though. But did meet up with game show celebrities and enjoyed the day mingling with stages, props, and movie history. For all of you that make it to Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune, brush up on your "Skills and Knowledge". Wear some blue when you stretch your mind. And, for your fur folks be sure to train them in this life space, great location to learn and be rewarded! Be sure to follow your "rainbow"!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A new member of Lauren's fur family is a sweet fluff ball named Snowball. This little one is very smart and very clever when finding play things around the house. Most fun for Snowball is to pounce on the other cats as they come through the cat door. Not so fun for the more "Sr." kitties. A good thing to do is to add a green bowl or food dish to the feeding area when a new one comes into a home. Green is the color of family and is a great color to use as all get used to new family members! This little one made one of the original fur family members "green" with envy. Watch that you give your more established fur folks lots of extra attention as new ones come in. All is well now...of course since Snowball has read Fur Shui cover to cover! Cuddling next to Snowball is CG, Snow's new bff!
Fur Shui was honored by the production crew of the Discovery Show's "I cloned my pet" series recently. The energies of Kabuki, a passed on love of Myra were being connected up to find if it would be "yes" or "no" to clone. Always ask "permission" before you do any feng shui with your environment or your animal. It is the correct thing to do so your intent on your healing or asking for help will be made so much more clear to the "chi" that you interact with. Learn to feel your environment and you will know what to do EXACTLY! Move that chi, and move it with positive intent and consideration.
Fur Shui found itself visiting Ojai, CA again, can't get enough of that quaint valley and great vibe of Ojai! Traveling via car, bike and then resting at a spa, Fur Shui was part of the street scene. Ojai's main street has a clock tower with beautiful bells striking the hours out. Bells in Feng Shui and Fur Shui bring in or "announce" good fortune, wealth and prosperity. Get a bell and put it on your pet's collar to announce it to others (birds for one with your kitty!), as well as attract some great energy to whatever you may need to bring into your life. Simply place the INTENT of what you want into the bell, bless both you and your fur folk and watch what you both attract. For great health, add a "gold" bell to a collar or leash!
Still hiking SoCal...this time closer to home at Palos Verde just South of LA and North of the LA harbor at Long Beach. Beautiful views, migrating whales pass by this stretch of the coast and the light house shines to all at the rocky outcrop warning all about "land ho"! Water everywhere. This is the element of the career life space and it flows from rivers and creeks all the way down to the Pacific Ocean. Our body make up is almost all, be sure to hydrate often while hiking, get into the flow of who you are and enjoy all the natural beauty that is around you! Fur Shui loves helping out both fur and non fur folks with their life path flow and "jobs". Just place a sturdy water dish for your pooch or kitty by the front door so they can also re-hydrate and bring that career chi into your home for you to use and enjoy!
Sketching in nature is a favorite thing of mine to do! While teaching a connect to nature class at the Irvine Nature Conservancy recently we visited Limestone Canyon to see what we could draw and observe. Fun day for Fur Shui to "take the day off" and visit some green and golden hills in Santiago Canyon area outside of Irvine, CA. The greens were turning to gold, good for the health, yellow and gold being the color of the health gua.
Still hiking! Fur Shui discovered Eagle Rock up in Topanga Canyon this summer. Lots of interesting forms and valleys to view. Earth is the element of health life space. There are some pretty impressive boulders to explore and see at the end of this hike. Stones can make up some pretty strong energy pathways for Feng Shui. So when you see some stones that look like turtles...connect them to each other and you can find healing and protection energy for you and your fur friends. This is the "Form School" of Feng Shui that reflects patterns and chi in nature!
Fur Shui has been out and about hiking in LA! The Los Angeles Forest is re-cooping from the massive forest fires of 2007. The view atop Mt. Vetter in the Angeles Forest is breath taking. Wonderful day, new growth and hope for the damages made to the lovely hiking paths in and around the area. Too much "fire" energy can and is destructive. If you or your animal has energy that is way over the top, just tooooo much, calm it down a bit with the energy of "water" with some black accessories; leash, collar, food and water dish. Let the flowing qualities of water help with the abrupt forceful energies of fire!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Ready, set, aim...FIRE! Fur Shui is still touring Austin Texas. Now alongside a powerful black canon that guards the state house doors. When it comes to career, black is the color and can be pretty powerful indeed. This canon is at the entrance doors so it is acting as a "protector" to the life path and entrance of Texas so to speak! Fame is the color of red which is all about the book...and some pretty powerful canon shots have begun by lighting the fuse, creating fire for what gives force...maybe we all can use a bit of "ignition" to put our various talents and powers to good use. Check out the book's career and fame section pages! AND, be powerful protectors of doing the "correct thing"!
Monday, April 16, 2012

Fur Shui is still in Austin TX! Touring the capital and seeing the sights. Seen outside "approaching" the Capital building and rubbing elbows with two very famous Texas figures...beautiful marble statues of both Davey Crocket (guy with hand up to his chin), and Sam Houston (guy with scroll!). Stone is a very grounding Earth element that belongs to the middle gua (life space) of the bagua...the Health and Balance life space. Honoring health and well being are essential to one's life...the center of everything we do! Both these statesmen were active vital beings, using their good health and fortune to help others and establish Texas. You can add a healthy walk through famous places to encourage your own health and get a history lesson while you are at it...visit the capital in Austin, Texas!
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Helllllllooooo Austin! Fur Shui has come to visit the capital! What fun. Fame and political reputation depend on the good marriage of "red" and "green". Green being for family and community, red for reputation and fame. Maybe we all could work on the "reputation" thing when it comes to politics?!
Here's Fur Shui framed in the rotunda below the capital dome...framing the city view from the iron gates...and then FAME itself...inside a Texas Star. The Star is the ultimate "pointy" object one can place in the fame gua or life section to tempt the chi to be strong and flowing for you and your fur folks. Salute to Austin...fame and fortune for all who use Fur Shui in and out of their environment!
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Was a great day of creative balance for Fur Shui at the Ojai Studio Walk tour. Fabulous art and people using the day to celebrate their talent and fame. The red cover for fame as well as the green for "community" stands out along artist Christine Brennan's home fence. Art is everywhere, making up fences, homes and studios. Note the curious mouse panel along with the fish swimming by Fur Shui! Fame and fortune to all who participated!
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